Lansing church is migrating to a new secure online directory. For the last number of years, we have used Instant Church Directory. Well, it has worked, there are a number of limitations.

Ease of Updating: Instant church directory makes it difficult for members to keep their information (and pictures) up to date. If you want a picture associated with your account, it must be sent to the church office and updated by one of our staff. If your information is out of date, the same process applies. The new system is much easier!

Security: Whatever system we have should contain top-level database security. Instant Church Directory does have a level of security, but there are additional levels that are standard today which it does not have.

Privacy: You should control your information. Which phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc that are shared with the church at large should all be under your control. Instant Church Directory does not give you direct control over what information is shared with the church at large. The new system gives you complete control over how much of your information is shared.

Convenience: A modern church system should incorporate not only a directory, but church bulletin, upcoming events, etc. with the church at large.

Over the last number of months, there has been a search for a better system. Planning Center has solved this and also has a number of additional features. The App is called: Church Center (download links below).

Download and Install

Once you install the app, look for “Lansing SDA Church.” If you want access to the directory, you will need to log-in using the email address in our system. If we do not have your current email, let our church secretary know and she will get it updated.

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