Have you joined the new online member directory yet? This directory gives Lansing SDA Church members quick access to up-to-date contact information for fellow church members. You can use it on your computer or mobile device, and you can add and update your own information easily.

To join or view the directory, go to the Church Directory link under the About tab on our church website. Or download the Church Center App using the links below.

Once you install the app, search for “Lansing seventh” to go directly to our church, or use your current location to find our church in the list of Lansing-area churches. You will need to enter your mobile number or email address to log in.

Trouble Logging In?

Pastor Mills sent an email invitation to all church members on Tuesday. Just click the button in the email to set up your profile. 

If you did not receive the invitation, that means one of two things:

  1. You are not a member of the Lansing SDA Church. Talk to Pastor Phil or Pastor Jerico about how to join our church family officially! 
  2. We do not have your current email in our system. To join the directory, send your name and email to [email protected] and we will get you started!

Note: We are working on a way to include members in the directory even if they do not have an email address. 

Why We’re Creating a New Directory

Here are a few of the advantages of the Church Center directory:

Ease of Updating: Unlike a paper directory or our previous directory app, you can easily update your own information. You can add and update contact information and photos for yourself as well as for members of your immediate family.  


Security: The Church Center app uses top-level database security to protect your information.


Privacy: The directory is accessible to Lansing SDA members only. You control your information and decide which phone numbers, addresses, emails, etc, are shared with the church at large. If everyone participates in the directory, we can avoid sharing members’ contact information in announcements on publicly available media such as the website and live stream. 


Convenience: The Church Center app gives you easy access to the church bulletin, upcoming events, online giving, and more.


The new directory will be a useful tool to keep members connected and help them get involved in ministry.  Please join now!  

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