Religious liberty entails freedom of conscience: to worship or not to worship; to profess, practice, and promulgate religious beliefs or to change them. In exercising these rights, however, one must respect the equivalent rights of all others.

Attempts to unite church and state are opposed to the interests of each, subversive of human rights and potentially persecuting in character; to oppose the union, lawfully and honorably, is not only the citizen’s duty but the essence of the Golden Rule–to treat others as one wishes to be treated.

Religious Liberty Offering is Sabbath, January 8, 2022: The offerings will be used to support the North American Division litigation fund to assist with protecting religious freedoms. The offerings will be used to sponsor Liberty magazine subscriptions to our local elected officials, public schools, libraries, and others. In addition, the offerings will be used to assist the local union with religious liberty advocacy and education. You can make a donation online at:

To stay up-to-date with unfolding Bible prophecy, national current events, constitutional challenges, and much more subscribe to Liberty magazine. If you are interested in a new or renewed subscription, please see Sylvia Coleman for costs and questions or email her at: [email protected].

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