Lansing, MI – Last night marked the beginning of an innovative training program at the Lansing Seventh-day Adventist Church, aimed at equipping members for a holistic approach to ministry. The training is part of the church’s preparation for the Discovering Revelation prophecy meetings and focuses on the “Threefold Union of Ministry for Christ.”

A Unique Approach to Training

The training was organized in a rotational format, with participants spending 20 minutes in each of the three distinct areas of ministry:

  1. Soul Winning: This segment focused on the art of evangelism and outreach, teaching attendees effective ways to win souls for Christ.
  2. Hydrotherapy: Participants learned the basics of hydrotherapy, a natural healing method that can be used to minister to people’s physical needs.
  3. Culinary Starter Kits: This section equipped attendees with the skills to prepare simple, nutritious meals, thereby ministering to people’s dietary needs.

Overwhelmingly Positive Response

The participants were not just engaged but also found the training practically helpful. “I loved how each area of training was not only spiritually enriching but also applicable to everyday life,” said one enthusiastic attendee.

Looking Ahead

The excitement was palpable, with all attendees expressing eagerness for the next session. “We believe that this threefold approach will empower our members to minister more effectively in our community, addressing not just spiritual but also physical and dietary needs,” said the senior pastor.

The Lansing Seventh-day Adventist Church invites all interested individuals to join the next training session, promising a fulfilling and enriching experience.

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