by Tom Owiti, Head Elder (pictured above with his family)

The elders have 3 priorities in the 2023-2024 year.

1. Unity in Christ and His Word – one faith, one Lord and Savior.
2. Member Visitation – to foster one family atmosphere among church members.
3. Strong family units – to foster healthy homes and build a united church ready to embrace new members whom the Lord brings in.

To achieve these priorities, we will create elder families or parishes, whereby every member/family unit will be assigned an elder. The elder assigned will have primary responsibility to visit and nurture these families in faith and be first contact when situations arise. The elder will not replace the pastor, so you can still contact the pastor directly. 

We will review our membership list to make sure we know all our members, and identify missing ones to contact and visit.

As head elder, I am coordinating the visitation program. Please contact me or the pastor if you need visitation or if you know someone who needs visitation. 

We solicit your prayers and support as we work together to build God’s church family at Lansing.

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